On May 3rd, 2024, Medion Plastic received a visit from PT Holi Pharma at Medion Plastic’s factory, Cimareme, Padalarang, Bandung. Not only to improve relations but this visit also points to conduct audits to ensure the guarantee of the quality management system and operations of suppliers of goods.

The audit process was attended by 13 representatives from PT Holi Pharma and the Medion Plastic team. The activity starts from the plant tour. Taken after by an audit of the production floor and documents. From the results of the inspection conducted, PT Holi Pharma gave high appreciation to the quality management system and operations that have been running very well by Medion Plastic. Hopefully in the future Medion Plastic can continue to maintain and even improve its quality, so as to be able to provide excellent service for its customers.

With this visit, Medion Plastic would like to thank you for the trust given by PT Holi Pharma. As a company that produces and distributes various variations of plastic packaging, Medion Plastic will continue to be committed to improving services for customer satisfaction with the implementation of a good quality management and operational system. For other quality and attractive Medion Plastic products can be accessed through: https://plastic.medion.co.id/product/.

Audit PT Holi Pharma